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Thought Starter: How we can all help fight South Africa’s water crisis!

Preparing for South Africa’s water crisis should become a significant priority! We are rapidly moving from a shortage scenario to one of water scarcity and your ability to become self-sufficient and sustainable will become crucial. As one of the fastest growing necessity-driven entrepreneurial brands in South Africa, we can help…

Preparing for South Africa’s water crisis should become a significant priority! We are rapidly moving from a shortage scenario to one of water scarcity and your ability to become self-sufficient and sustainable will become crucial. As one of the fastest growing necessity-driven entrepreneurial brands in South Africa, we can help to address these increasing concerns and needs for sustainability. But first, you need to understand why water scarcity is a potential crisis.

The Development Bank of Southern Africa (DBSA) estimates that 2.2 billion people across the globe don’t have access to clean drinking water. This is of concern when considering that water is a basic need for health and hygiene. According to DBSA, South Africa’s physical water scarcity will become a reality in 2025, and it’s expected to have a water deficit of 17 percent by 2030. This could also potentially worsen due to climate change.

Action needs to be taken now and education is critical. Did you know that according to the Institute of Security Studies, South Africans use more water than the global average? Our per capita daily usage is 234 litres whereas the global consumption average is 173 litres. It is vital that we learn how to conserve water and in that, become more sustainable.

Versofy is launching an all-in-one water backup storage and filtration subscription soon and this is a potential game-changer in water solutions and something that can assist in solving for necessity. It is also not just a subscription; it’s a commitment to water security. With little upfront costs, our system will offer efficiency, reliability, and a sleek design that seamlessly integrates into anybody’s lifestyle.

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While there are ways to address these concerns, they are all lengthy. South Africans need to become more self-sustainable now.

One way to do this is via a rental subscription-based model. As opposed to a consumption model – an app and the use of smart technology will greatly assist in educating and enabling people to use water wisely. This will reduce consumption, as opposed to current models, where usage is encouraged and charged accordingly.

Investment in water and sanitation will ultimately ensure betterment for all South Africans. Climate change is a reality, as is the infrastructure and lack of accessibility to quality water. If we can help people become self-sustaining, storing, and using their own water, the overall impact can only be a positive one for the country and its people.

To chat to our Versofy executive team and be the first to know our latest developments please get in contact with us.

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