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Residential Solar Energy – Clean, Affordable and Sustainable.

With the gradual shredding of red-tape, South Africa is finally transitioning to  residential solar energy in large numbers. The world is embracing renewable energy more than ever before. Pandemics, war, and all kinds of corruption have led to shortages. But scarcity in any resource brings new appreciation, innovation, and thus…

With the gradual shredding of red-tape, South Africa is finally transitioning to  residential solar energy in large numbers. The world is embracing renewable energy more than ever before. Pandemics, war, and all kinds of corruption have led to shortages. But scarcity in any resource brings new appreciation, innovation, and thus cultivation as a healthy knee jerk reaction to it.

Investing in an effective home solar system fixes our gaze on solar home kits but with no more “reserved” signs that cater exclusively to big-corporations and high net worth individuals. Versofy has facilitated a way for all qualifying South African households to enjoy renewable energy the way it simply is – uninterrupted. Standalone residences no longer need to purchase complete home solar systems by dropping significant amounts of immediate cash upfront. This is the beauty of solar residential financing that Versofy is committed to offering, as a long term solution to rolling blackouts. 

When signing up and joining the energy revolution with us, the richness of options lies in the fact that all of our solutions are diverse, and are closely aligned to your current electricity bills. We have a solar recipe for a sustainable need. Right at home where you need it most. 

We come with a financial attack strategy that offers you solar financing for home and expects less back than any bank would. A great option if you ask us, when the need for energy certainty has never been greater. 

Rent-to-Own Residential Solar Energy – Maintaining the Flow

Rent-to-own means paying more in the short-to-medium term but enjoying the end product upfront, when installation is complete. Compare it to that moment you get the newest flagship cellphone on contract. Not only do you get the best in-class product for communication, entertainment and endless work functionality – the device, once carefully looked after, is yours to keep long after that last debit order has been paid. Just like a solar install, the components have improved, allowing you to enjoy the end-product well beyond its repayment period and all the added benefits of a reduced electricity bill, greener energy and the many years of support should anything happen to the system.

Residential solar systems are a sustainable engagement that enables you to reap the benefits of solar power which can be available to all households and businesses in South Africa instantly (and for the long term), just by signing up with us. Switching to solar and joining the energy revolution is the answer to stopping the interruptions and keeping the flow. The flow of lifestyle, business, entertainment and all other household responsibilities.

Residential Solar Subscriptions that make sense

An energy consumption audit of your property does not require much. By simply monitoring your metre levels and comparing it to your recent monthly bill statements, you can calculate an estimated average of what your household consumes from the national grid over the course of a few months. 

Versofy’s service offering comes in solar subscription packages that cater to all needs. Hybrid solar solutions with proven Sunsynk solar Inverter products that pack a punch in the consumption bracket you have qualified for. 

  • Grow, beyond constrictions.
  • Charge up your output. 
  • Plus more with a 12kw three phase solar energy system. 

Government finally embraces Solar for Home, sweetened by a potential Tax benefit

The first reports of ruffled feathers within the government saw ministers calling for emergency measures to reduce Red Tape. This is in order to shorten the execution times for any new developments or plans that relate to power or energy supply.

President Ramaphosa, in his recent address to tackle the Eskom energy crisis, announced a raft of encouraging initiatives which bears optimism for a greater (and more rapid) uptake of solar home systems. These include:

  • Announcing the opening of doors to alternative sources of power supply
  • Providing amnesty to households with illegal connections
  • Incentivising the move away from illegal power connections
  • Ending the State’s monopoly on energy generation, supply, and distribution
  • Privatising and unbundling Eskom by selling power stations to private owners that can run them until the end of their current lifespans

And most importantly:

  • A potential tax rebate for households that have solar solutions installed; find out more from the solar tax article here referencing the Income Tax Act, No 58 of 1962
  • A feed in tarrif allowing households with solar systems the ability to sell excess power back to the grid

This feed in tarrif means that you will also be incentivized to switch to solar. Not because you generate your own renewable energy, but because your surplus power will be fed into the existing grid allowing the rest of us to also benefit from your energy generation. Marginally yes, but collectively, enough for the long-overdue energy revolution to finally build momentum. 


Versofy SOLAR – Refer, Switch and Collectively Save

The best marketing has always been word of mouth, and we are delighted to have grown the way we have, in terms of our reputation, certified installers, while maintaining affordable solar as a service or rent-to-own solar subscriptions offerings. 

Our story, a microcosm of the renewable energy efforts in SA, is one of pushing a large boulder up the hill until it reaches the tip – ready to make a seismic impact. Now, it’s a matter of keeping up with it. We have also launched an exciting Referral Program to allow suburbs to transition to sustainability and enjoy collective benefits when the community switches on. Contact us today to find out how your neighbourhood can switch and save. 

We’re blessed to have the buggy – a solar-powered one, of course! And very eager to connect you to a better future. We’ve all earned it. And affording residential solar energy is now within the grasp of many homeowners.  


Take control of your energy needs and costs. Visit our website to view and apply for a solar subscription today!

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