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Solar Power for Homes – A Sustainable Resolution for 2023

Solar power for homes is a New Year’s resolution that has gained some serious willpower and commitment lately, given our current energy situation. With higher stages of load-shedding testing the resolve of South African households, there is a growing revolution to make things right and take back control of our…

Solar power for homes is a New Year’s resolution that has gained some serious willpower and commitment lately, given our current energy situation. With higher stages of load-shedding testing the resolve of South African households, there is a growing revolution to make things right and take back control of our energy needs. 

Thankfully, the stigma around “solar being too expensive” is unbundling with the gradual decrease in the cost of solar systems. In contrast, introducing more solar financing options gives households greater flexibility to switch on their terms. 

This year, cast aside your solar prejudices and hear us out on what we can offer to lead you into the latter half of 2023 (and beyond) without the anxiety of load shedding resting on your shoulders. A new way of operating that keeps your residence or WFH setup running smoothly. 

Versofy SOLAR has the resolution for you to join the energy revolution. A commitment that no longer relies on Eskom.  

Adopt a New Year’s Revolution in 2023

Resolutions are tricky to stick with and stretch us to the new limits we push ourselves to. For example, those who have gotten fitter, have dropped weight or stopped smoking can testify to how hard it is to achieve it and what type of intense commitment is needed.

Only through time and painful repetition does a new regime slowly strengthen the muscle memory to keep committing to something. And then, one day, something pops up on your peck in front of the mirror that makes you grin. A result of your hard work finally starts to show.  

But investing in solar power for homes in 2023 is a different process. It’s not slow, nor is it painful. The secret is a New Year’s resolution that is more than attainable because Versofy SOLAR does most of the work and the rest, then by a trusted ally for everyone – the sun. All you need to do is tick the most relevant and affordable box for your home, and a hybrid solar system will be on its way. We like to call it a sustainable revolution for brighter years ahead.    

Solar Power for Homes – The Gift That Keeps on Giving

By banking your buck on the sun and less on Eskom, a solar power system plugs and plays into your home to serve you with energy within a heartbeat. The beauty is the new loop of green electricity raised that you will coexist with. A sustainable solution that keeps your solar batteries charged keeps your lights on and will, in the near future, feed the surplus energy back into the long-suffering grid that needs it. 

The Versofy SOLAR Journey 

If 2022 is anything to go by, we’re in for quite the rollercoaster in 2023/24. Last year, we installed systems successfully for hundreds of customers. We also upgraded a sizeable number of our customer base, who now bank on the sun to keep the lights on and do more from home. 

We also diversified our business model by rolling out exclusive solar rental packages, known as Solar as a Service, at lower monthly premiums than our rent-to-own systems would cost. 

This year we are committed to making our all-inclusive subscription packages even more accessible than in the past. Revising our agreements, lowering the barrier-to-entry more than ever, and solidifying our reputation as a solar energy provider for generations.

All the Willpower you need with our All-In-One Subscription Packages.

As explained, Versofy SOLAR will do the hard work to see the resolution turn into a manifestation for you in 2023. Our different plans and payment options to supply solar power for homes achieve this by redirecting much of a solar system’s upfront costs into manageable monthly repayments. 

Whether financed as a rent-to-own solar system or through a SaaS (Solar as a Service) rental only – we’re confident that our prices are as competitive as possible. Every customer is also guaranteed installation of Tier-One Solar equipment and unrivalled customer service that extends throughout the lifetime of your solar contract.

Renting-to-own, our packages are designed to meet the size of any residential setup. Additionally, once you have completed your 60-month contract, the system is yours to keep forever.

With the recently introduced Solar as a Service (SaaS) product, more budget-conscious customers can also start their solar journeys by renting solar setups exclusively through Versofy SOLAR on a 36-month contract:

  •  R1999pm (Versofy GROW) – 5kW Inverter 
  •  R2999pm (Versofy CHARGE) – 8kW Inverter 
  •  R3599pm (Versofy PLUS) – 12 kW Inverter.

Versofy SOLAR – Making Your Year

Versofy SOLAR goes beyond the call of duty to enable new agreements that facilitate solar power for homes. One of our greatest benefits, included in all our solar subscriptions, is the monitoring, support, and maintenance available to our customers.

Once you are set up, connected, and generating power from the sun, we extend our expertise and support by keeping your residential solar system in the best shape possible. That is why the output is monitored on our side so that the correct information and required support are always available if any challenges arise. 

It’s a time that needs a positive start/change to all the dread of late. We don’t want anyone to lose hope, and we want you to know that we’ll continue to think way outside the solar box in 2023. No payoff is more satisfying than seeing a customer’s face light up with relief once the new current starts running. Trust us that the sound of a humming battery backup found in the frequency of solar power for homes is music to the ears of a green energy user.      

Bite the bullet that won’t hurt you by enquiring and applying for a solar subscription today!

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