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Five Reasons To Go Solar This Winter (and Beyond)

If you need five reasons to go solar this winter, how is this for the biggest one right off the bat of our article?  Winter Is Coming.  This is a fact. Not fiction. It’s time to really start thinking about ways to keep your home warm, by connecting to the…

If you need five reasons to go solar this winter, how is this for the biggest one right off the bat of our article? 

Winter Is Coming. 

This is a fact. Not fiction. It’s time to really start thinking about ways to keep your home warm, by connecting to the sun without breaking the bank. We are in the highest stages of our energy crises, where load-shedding in South Africa shows little signs of easing. The net effect is; the demand for solar systems for homes is about to skyrocket once more.

But it is not the time to be negative or get despondent. Now is a very exciting time because the road to our energy future is literally being paved from all avenues and sectors possible to help alleviate the situation in the long run. Whatever we are going through, this will be the last time because we won’t be consuming from mother nature without giving back anymore. With solar power as a shining force of nature, we’ll be embracing her to provide for us. 

Here are five shining reasons to switch to solar and to a renewable future before the dragon of winter slays us. Huddle up on those entertainment titles. Forget about the politics. A classic whodunnit is what you want to be cuddling up with on TV. It’s really not the genre you want to be part of in real life. Residential solar energy is the channel you need to be plugged into.

Shocking The Energy Bills

If you’re tired of getting zapped by high energy bills, then solar power is the jolt you need! The current cost and availability of electricity is number one on our reasons to go solar. With solar panels, you can generate your own electricity. So say goodbye to shivering in the dark, and hello to sunny savings instead!

Parity is what you want. Also known as grid parity, it is the point at which the cost of solar power becomes equal to or less than the cost of the traditional electricity from the grid. This way you build and sustain your own grid that pays the return of investment over the course of your solar journey. 

This is the pound seats. Because now, you will only be paying for the occasional units of electricity drawn from Eskom, when your Hybrid Inverter needs to smartly manage your system’s efficiency in a cloudy week. This can reduce your monthly Eskom bills to the bare minimum when you switch to solar.     

Reduce Your Carbon Footprint

Another important reason to warm up to residential solar solutions this winter is to reduce your carbon footprint. Traditional energy sources such as coal and gas are major contributors to greenhouse gas emissions which are causing climate change. By switching to solar energy, you will be using a clean and renewable source of energy. No emissions. No tar, burn or soot. In short, there’s no environmental hangovers, when you join this energy revolution!

Amp Up the Value of your Property

Pay budgetary attention to the third of our five reasons to go solar. Are you looking to give your home a power surge in value? A solar installation does just that by increasing the future value of your home. Buyers are buzzing about energy-efficient and eco-friendly homes, and solar panels can make your home the buzz of the block. Plus, with the money you will continue to save on energy bills, you can upgrade your home with some electrifying improvements that are bound to reflect back at you from the valuation when you do decide to sell it off one day!


Government Incentives are on the Horizon

The government is buzzing about solar power too, and they’re offering some incentives to make the switch! Firstly, the City of Cape Town announced a net metering agreement and later from the Presidency in the latest budget speech for the new fiscal. From the Renewable Energy Independent Power Producer Procurement program, to tax incentives for solar panel installations, and of course the Just Energy Transition plan,  the government is energized about the benefits of solar power and has promised to provide relief if all the correct channels are being followed. 

A Brighter Future with Reliable Energy

During winter months, power outages can leave you feeling like standard inverter batteries in Stage 6, namely

  • drained, 
  • moeg, 
  • and powerless. 

But with solar power, you can keep your lights on and your home heated more efficiently whilst giving the batteries a break. Remember that solar panels can generate electricity even on cloudy days, and that surplus electricity will be fed into the national grid. 

Generating energy has nothing to do with the heat. In SA, the sun is out all year round – even in the colder months. So your panels and solar batteries are bound to be beaming with smiles producing clean and renewable energy, pretty much on a permanent basis. .    

Versofy SOLAR – The Green on the LED

“It’s only temporary” is the strong headspace we need to maintain right now – the most important to contemplate when weighing up the five reasons to go solar this winter. At Versofy SOLAR, we’re plugged in, resting, and rebooting. Keeping your future solar system warm and on the shelf in a safe place. 

Yes, winter is fast upon us and some might say its a game of thrones. But the future is not bleak. Many qualifying households can benefit because we simply made a solar financing plan for them to get these challenging times. The future is bright and light with Versofy SOLAR who can install a solar solution right in time for the big freeze. 

Lie low and fill your batteries to the brim with the warm assurance that your winter is cozy today! If you need any more reasons to go solar, you can always Whatsapp our team for more information and advice.

Whatever your reasons – go solar this year with an all-in-one subscription, backed up by world-class service and support. Partnering with Versofy today for your energy revolution

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